Credit Management Strategies

Credit Insurance v Bad Debt Protection

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Not just one kind of protection

Bad debt insurance offers just one kind of protection for your business: against customer insolvency, and the resulting loss of income if a bill isn’t paid as a result.

Credit insurance offers so much more

While this is valuable as far as it goes, it falls far short of the multi-risk protection a Coface Credit Insurance policy can bring to your business. This table shows the difference in detail between a typical bad debt protection product and the right credit insurance, tailored to your business by Coface.

Bad Debt
Coface Credit
Am I insured for?
Customer insolvency Yes Yes
Non-payment No Yes
Disputed debts No Yes
Political risk No Yes
Natural disaster No Yes
Pre-shipment risk No Yes
Losses / risks attaching No Yes
Indemnified debt collection fees included No Yes
Ongoing customer monitoring No Yes


Focus on growth and success

It today’s uncertain, fast-changing world, it makes sense to protect your business as thoroughly as possible. Armed with wide-ranging cover and unrivaled business intelligence, you and your team are free to focus on growth and success.

Coface it first and trade with confidence.

To find out how Coface Credit Insurance can help your business contact our team for your free, no obligation quote.

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Case studies

ESI Foods

ESI Foods is forecasting strong growth with the continued support of Coface.

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Case studies


Coface’s international reach meant that plastic card manufacturer, Nitecrest, was able to expand its export business and win new orders, without worrying about bad debt.

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Case studies

Premier Decorations

Coface’s flexible approach allows Premier Decorations to respond to protect its balance sheet during its busiest sales period.

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