
A future of evolving technologies

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ICT Sector Risk Report

Risk assessment

Internet use is still growing globally, especially in Africa. By 2020 Coface analysts expect that worldwide data exchanged will have tripled and half the world’s population will be internet users. However some hardware markets, especially smartphones, are saturated and slowing in developed countries. Manufacturers are also challenged by the scarcity and high prices of the rare minerals their products require.

Coface Regional Sector Risk Assessment

Demand and supply

Continuing growth is predicted for 2018, with burgeoning new technologies including the internet of things, robotics, virtual reality, 3D printers and autonomous vehicles.  By the end of 2018, a quarter of all smartphone users will be in China – which is also threatening the domination of Samsung and Apple with cost-cutting challenger brands. Another strong forecast is that cloud services will continue to grow at a rate of 12% per year.

As the sudden fall in phone sales shows, even the fast-growing digital market can have severe ups and downs, including insolvencies such as the collapse of retailer Phones4U in 2017. That’s why the protection and market intelligence provided by Coface credit insurance is essential for tech businesses.

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