Case studies

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2021 Country and Sector Risk Handbook

As a credit insurer, our added value comes from the ability to proactively provide our clients with detailed risk analyses, allowing them to make the right decisions at the right time and prevent credit risks. Our latest Country

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Case studies

Brother International

By insuring all their European operations under one aggregated Coface program, Brother International Europe has gained financial savings, increased insurance coverage and a higher visibility of credit risk....

16 February, 2021

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EVI Group

After a long-term customer failed to pay, security specialists, the EVI Group turned to Coface Debt Collection to rapidly recover the money owed....

30 September, 2020

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Case studies


Founded in New York in 1997, Theory produce luxury clothing for men and women which are renowned for their style, fit and comfort. The company arrived in Europe in 2002 and is part of the multi-national Fast Retailing Group. ...

15 August, 2020

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Established in 1957, Rotork now has four divisions and has grown into a multinational company with 65 offices and 24 manufacturing facilities around the world....

13 December, 2019

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Duferco International Trading Holding (DITH) Group

Duferco International Trading Holding Group (DITH) are a global steel trader and distributor which ships around 20 million tonnes of raw material and steel each year....

05 June, 2018

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Origin Enterprises

Origin Enterprises was established as a standalone business in 2007 but its history goes back more than 100 years as part of the Irish Agricultural Wholesale Society (IAWS)....

15 May, 2018

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TCS Media

TCS Media is financially liable for the advertising space it books for its clients. For 17 years, it has protected itself from the risk of non-payment with Coface credit insurance....

17 April, 2018

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Elefant Gratings

Providing comprehensive protection against the risk of credit trading with Credit Insurance from Coface....

17 April, 2018

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Vestey Foods UK

Vestey Foods UK uses Coface to mitigate credit risk within its highly diverse customer portfolio....

08 February, 2018

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