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2021 Country and Sector Risk Handbook

As a credit insurer, our added value comes from the ability to proactively provide our clients with detailed risk analyses, allowing them to make the right decisions at the right time and prevent credit risks. Our latest Country

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One unpaid bill?

Who gets paid first when a company goes bust? When a company goes into administration or liquidation, its remaining assets are sold to clear as many of its obligations as possible....

25 March, 2021

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Trade Credit Insurance Explained – with working examples

Credit insurance protects you against bad debt. So if the worse happens, you still get paid....

18 March, 2021

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The paradox of corporate insolvencies in Europe: miracle and mirage

The economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic heralded major business failures and insolvencies in France, and across the eurozone as a whole.. But, in 2020, and even if the real impact of the COVID-19 crisis remains ...

17 March, 2021

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Middle East & Africa: volatile oil prices lead to varying effects on producing countries, including diversification

The COVID-19 pandemic’s negative impact on global GDP growth and trade volumes caused a sharp decline in oil prices. After falling to USD 15 in mid-Apri l, Brent crude prices recovered to an average of USD 41.7 for the year 2020 v...

17 March, 2021

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The truth about Credit Insurance

Late payment and bad debt are risks for every company but SMEs are particularly vulnerable to the destructive impact on business cashflow, particularly when trading conditions are already tough...

01 March, 2021

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Country & Sector Risk Barometer: Q4 2020 Quarterly Update

A year after the first cases of COVID-19 appeared outside China, the uncertainties linked to the pandemic are still considerable despite the announcement of the arrival of several vaccines at the end of 2020...

10 February, 2021

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The political risks of lockdown in the Netherlands and Germany

The political risks of lockdown in the Netherlands and Germany: coronavirus containment measures are leading to social unrest. Watch our video to learn more. For the latest information on Northern Europe, make sure to follow our ...

29 January, 2021

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Grow your business safely

Focus on sustainable growth. This is indisputably a tough time for business. Experts believe it will take years for the economy to recover from the shock of the pandemic and lockdown while there is continued uncertainty ...

02 December, 2020

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The COVID-19 pandemic has contributed to a unique set of circumstances weighing on the world economy, notably in terms of political risk. Julien Marcilly, Coface’s Chief Economist, presents some of our predictions for 2021, ...

27 November, 2020

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