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Energy Sector Risk Report

In energy consumption the overall global picture is of fluctuating prices and increasing demand as economies grow. ...

17 April, 2018

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Pharmaceuticals Sector Risk Report

Spending on prescription drugs is on an upward trajectory worldwide, and especially in Western Europe and the USA. ...

17 April, 2018

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Case studies

TCS Media

TCS Media is financially liable for the advertising space it books for its clients. For 17 years, it has protected itself from the risk of non-payment with Coface credit insurance....

17 April, 2018

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Case studies

Elefant Gratings

Providing comprehensive protection against the risk of credit trading with Credit Insurance from Coface....

17 April, 2018

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Metals Sector Risk Report

Slowdown is looming in the metals sector, especially in steelmaking, even though prices rose and there was significant global growth in metals consumption in 2017, driven by a proliferation of construction and infrastructure proje...

16 April, 2018

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Retail Sector Risk Report

With global retail sales expected to grow in 2018 but significant business failures getting the right knowledge about a business sector is critical to success. Download the latest retail report now....

20 March, 2018

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Coface business information

As a Coface credit insurance policyholder, access to all business information resources is built-in to every policy. Our authoritative business reports and credit opinions are yours for the asking....

21 February, 2018

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Benefits of Credit Insurance

Find out about the benefits of credit insurance and how Coface can help your business grow....

21 February, 2018

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Country Risk Assessment Map – Q1 2018

At Coface we monitor the economic performance of over 160 countries. Our easy to follow Country Risk Assessment map give your business vital knowledge on the countries you are, or are thinking of, working in....

19 February, 2018

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