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Origin Enterprises

Origin Enterprises was established as a standalone business in 2007 but its history goes back more than 100 years as part of the Irish Agricultural Wholesale Society (IAWS)....

15 May, 2018

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Transport Sector Risk Report

The recent trend has been for a sustained drop in prices being paid for transport around the world. But strong demand for air transport, which grew by 4% in 2017, is the big story in global transport. ...

15 May, 2018

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ICT Sector Risk Report

Internet use is still growing globally, especially in Africa. By 2020 Coface analysts expect that worldwide data exchanged will have tripled and half the world’s population will be internet users....

17 April, 2018

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Paper Sector Risk Report

Paper production grew in 2017, although the global picture is patchy. The rise is mainly due to increased household consumption of sanitary paper, as hygiene habits change around the world....

17 April, 2018

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Automotive Sector Risk Report

Summarising the current automotive market is difficult because trends vary so widely between different territories. ...

17 April, 2018

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Chemical Sector Risk Report

Although prices for the main raw materials used in chemical production rose in 2017, they remain low by historical standards, as do crude oil prices. ...

17 April, 2018

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Wood Sector Risk Report

In a favourable economic climate for housebuilding, builders in Western Europe are increasingly favouring wood in construction. ...

17 April, 2018

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Textiles Sector Risk Report

Growing global demand for textiles is increasingly being fed by the dynamic south east Asian economies, especially Bangladesh, Vietnam and Sri Lanka....

17 April, 2018

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Construction Sector Risk Report

In advanced countries the construction industry has benefited from low inflation and interest rates. Businesses are doing well in general with insolvencies down, although Brexit-related doubts make the UK situation less clear. ...

17 April, 2018

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